Saturday 16 February 2013

G.I. Joe: Black Dragon VTOL Aircraft

Today's showcase is something very different, so let me explain first. My local Zellers (think Wal-mart, but smaller and higher priced) is going out of business and are slashing prices left and right. So, I saw it fit to head down and check out the action figures. That's where this showcase comes into play. I picked up a few G.I. Joe vehicles and I thought it would be a lot of fun to try something new and showcase them. One of the vehicles I picked up is the Black Dragon VTOL, which is a pretty big aircraft and was a challenge to take pictures of, so please forgive me if the photos are a little poor. With that, let's fly into this showcase, COBRAAAAAAAAAA!

Let's get the basics out of the way. The Black Dragon VTOL comes in a fairly small sized box, so it has you thinking it's not going to be that big. Little do you know however, that after you have it assembled, the thing doubles in size. The aircraft is also large enough to fit a G.I. Joe action figure inside and thankfully you get just that. The Cobra Air Trooper figure is your new standard (2005 and on) G.I. Joe size (4") and comes with a black Cobra stand and hand gun. The figure has articulation in the head, shoulders, elbows, wrist, hips, knees and ankles. You can get some great poses out of these little guys and no need to worry about it tumbling over, thanks to the stand.

As for the Black Dragon VTOL, once assembled, the aircraft can move its wings back and forth (a press of a button on top, moves the wings forward). The engines/propellers can move up and down, the landing gear can come up and down and there is also a button on top, which will drop down a gun and also open up the bay doors for the bombs, of which there are 8. The cockpit also opens to allow you to put the Cobra trooper inside, but fair warning, the space is small and tight and you may have a hard time closing the door.

Well, I think I've said enough, as I know you're really here for the photos and probably didn't even read the above paragraphs (I'm right ain't I?). I don't normally collect G.I. Joe figures (well, not anymore), but these vehicles are pretty impressive and I think you'll agree, once you check out the photos below. So enjoy!

About " "

I'm a gamer, movie watcher, book reader, collector of action figures and sometimes on random I'll wander outside. I mostly enjoy horror related items of terror, so you might notice a trend when visiting my two sites: From the Mind of Tatlock and From the Basement of Tatlock.
  1. I think, since we're reminiscing about childhood, you should do a showcase of a Barbie. :)
