Wednesday 29 May 2013

Movie Maniacs Series 6: Dog Alien

Dog Alien
Here's a figure from way back in 2003, the Dog Alien, appearing in the much maligned Movie Maniacs Series 7, which consisted of only Aliens and Predators, when the series' before 6 had a variety of different figures. In my opinion, they turned out pretty damn good, although the Predator figures have since been completely destroyed with NECA's releases, but the Dog Alien is still very much an awesome figure. I hope it's evident in the photos below...

Release: 2003
Series: Movie Maniacs Series 6
Company: McFarlane
Accessories: Movie Poster, Marquee Stand
Articulation:  Ball joint Head, Ball joint Shoulders, Cut Wrist, Ball joint Torso, Ball joint Hips, Ball joint Ankles, Bendable Tail

I always loved the look of the Alien in Alien 3, having been "born" from a dog (originally an Ox, but changed for the theatrical cut), the Alien took on the characteristics of the animal, walking on all fours. The Alien was also quick and deadly. The figure captures all of this detail in action figure form, with nice paint (although, how hard is it to ruin the colour brown) and sculpt. It also comes with a button on the back of the head, that when pressed shoots the inner mouth out. Honestly, I could do without this feature, as the button takes away from the look.

I don't think we'll get another Alien based on part 3, so I'm glad the one we got is actually pretty damn nice. If you want to see for yourself, check out the photos below.


About " "

I'm a gamer, movie watcher, book reader, collector of action figures and sometimes on random I'll wander outside. I mostly enjoy horror related items of terror, so you might notice a trend when visiting my two sites: From the Mind of Tatlock and From the Basement of Tatlock.