Monday 8 October 2012

Cult Classics Series 4: Plaid Shirt Zombie (Dawn of the Dead)

The next showcase to shamble through the site is the Plaid Shirt Zombie, as seen in the classic and gorylicious, Dawn of the Dead (1978). Brought to us from NECA, in the Cult Classics Series 4, the Plaid Shirt Zombie is a great representation of an iconic undead. Let's put a bullet in this showcase's head, by reading on...

Even though the Plaid Shirt Zombie was in the film for only a minute, the image of that grotesque plaid wearing, shuffling, flesh eater, stuck in your mind and evolved into an iconic image of the undead, that was so great, it ended up on the poster for the movie. Thankfully, NECA's work on bringing this zombie into action figure form, is fantastic.

The sculpt and paintwork are top notch. All the detail in the face and chest, is perfectly replicated in this figure and yes, the plaid shirt is bang on! There is a little paint slop around the head, but this is on my figure. I'm sure it will vary and is not really a fault on the figure itself. As for the rest of what the figure brings to the table, is articulation consisting of: head, shoulders, wrist, waist and ankles. The figure's articulation is limited, but he can obtain some nice poses. Finally, the only accessory is a display base.

The Plaid Shirt Zombie is a nice addition to my undead collection and I think it will be the same for you. Pick him up if you get the chance. Now for some snapshots of the undead fella (click photos to enlarge.)

About " "

I'm a gamer, movie watcher, book reader, collector of action figures and sometimes on random I'll wander outside. I mostly enjoy horror related items of terror, so you might notice a trend when visiting my two sites: From the Mind of Tatlock and From the Basement of Tatlock.
  1. I would be doing my site an injustice if I didn't comment on something that is bothering me about the figure.

    NECA for some reason put the head shot damage on the figure, when really, it shouldn't have it. Seems like a strange decision and something I thought was worth mentioning.
