Saturday 25 August 2012

A Nightmare on Elm Street Series 2: Dream Warriors Freddy

The last figure in a small series, is the Dream Warriors Freddy Krueger. Another scene specific Freddy, but this time with some neat accessories. Maybe tonight you'll be gone, but before that, let's read on...

The Dream Warriors Freddy is based on his appearance in A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, specifically the scene near the end of the film, where Freddy slices his shirt open to reveal the souls of the victims he's taken on his chest. NOES3 is a pretty awesome film, so the action figure had to live up to that awesomeness. Thankfully, we can all rest easily as NECA once again comes through with a stellar figure. The sculpt is fantastic capturing Freddy's look from Part 3. The gloss paint work might be a little overdone, but it doesn't hurt the figure. Articulation is once again the same as the other Freddy's in Series 1. The accessories that come with it are an alternate head and the miniature model of the Elm Street house from Dream Warriors. One thing to look out for, is the paint on the inside of the hat sticking to Freddy's head. I had this happen to me and when I took the hat off, the paint came off on his head.

Well that's it for A Nightmare on Elm Street Series 2. Look out for the wrap up, which will posted in the next few days. Now enjoy the photos! (Click to enlarge.)

About " "

I'm a gamer, movie watcher, book reader, collector of action figures and sometimes on random I'll wander outside. I mostly enjoy horror related items of terror, so you might notice a trend when visiting my two sites: From the Mind of Tatlock and From the Basement of Tatlock.
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