Wednesday 14 August 2013

I Hate Google Plus "Enhancements"

I just wanted to inform my readers that Google decided to implement a feature in Picasa/Google Plus, that "enhances" all your photos. What Google doesn't realize, is that I go through all my photos and edit them first, before uploading the photos. So, what happens now, is Google blows out my photos, by over saturating the shit out of them. Unfortunately, this has happened with all my photos and now I need to go back through each one and turn off this feature and hopefully Blogger is intelligent enough, to grab the original photo, instead of the crappy enhanced version. So readers, bare with me and the crappier versions of my photos, as I straighten everything out over the next few days.

About " "

I'm a gamer, movie watcher, book reader, collector of action figures and sometimes on random I'll wander outside. I mostly enjoy horror related items of terror, so you might notice a trend when visiting my two sites: From the Mind of Tatlock and From the Basement of Tatlock.
  1. Well, I think I got them all. Luckily, it was only was until last May that was enhanced. They probably won't show up new for a bit, or cookies are cleared. I've updated a few right away and they are much better looking (especially the Aliens Series 1 Hicks showcase).
